• Black Magic: the Dr Prager Urban Protect Skincare range is the goodness your skin has been craving

    Skincare: Don’t Just Follow The Star

    I made my skincare, and I made it the best it could be, irrespective of cost. And if you make something irrespective of cost, you can make something very good indeed.

  • Skin Resurfacing in Summer

    It’s Not a No-No – It’s Who You Know There’s a popular myth within beauty circles that you can’t do skin resurfacing treatments in the summer. Well, this is not completely true. The fact is, you… Continue reading Skin Resurfacing in Summer


    If you want to look younger, you need skin resurfacing. However, skin resurfacing is not that simple, and effective and safe skin resurfacing is even more complex.

  • An Academic Study by Prof Bernhard Fink and Dr Michael Prager

    The Effect of Incobotulinumtoxin A and Dermal Filler Treatment on Perception of Age, Health, and Attractiveness of Female Faces Prof Bernhard Fink and Michael PragerUniversity of Gbttingen, Gbttingen, Germany Objectives: Facial age, health, and attractiveness assessments… Continue reading An Academic Study by Prof Bernhard Fink and Dr Michael Prager

  • The Acid Peel Mask That Purifies and Protects … from Mosquito Bites

    The combination of moisturising agents, mild exfoliants, and antimicrobial ingredients work to soothe mosquito bites by hydrating the skin, reducing itching, promoting skin renewal, and preventing infection. It’s also an incredible treatment for your face.

  • The Prager Hydro Infusion Bottle: hydrogen-rich water at the push of a button

    The Beauty of Hydrogen Water

    Hydrogen-rich water is one of the easiest lifestyle choices you will ever make in terms of your health and longevity.

  • The London Lift: a gentle lift with no telegraph announcement of work done.


    The London Lift is a gentle but effective procedure with virtually no downtime and no telegraph announcement that you have had filler.

  • Dermal fillers are a great anti-ageing treatment - in the right hands.

    The Filler Files, Part II: Pump Up The Volume

    Fillers are pretty amazing. They stimulate collagen, they make pores smaller, they’re great for treating acne scars and hydrating skin, in fact they’re a valuable and viable solution for anything to do with ageing where the root cause is a loss of collagen. However, they are not miracle workers. There are limitations and, as the saying goes, you can have too much of a good thing.

  • Dermal fillers are excellent for skin rejuvenation ... in the right hands.

    The Filler Files (Part One)

    Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are possibly the best way to restore and maintain skin health, skin structure and tissue integrity – but it depends on who is using it and how they use it.

  • The London Lip is the perfect lip - only at The Prager Clinic.

    The London Lip: bold, beautiful, and balanced

    Plump, youthful and perfectly in proportion, the London Lip is how all lip augmentations would look if they were done by a principled practitioner with the relevant skillset and a sane understanding of aesthetics.