The Illuminator Plus: adding polynucleotides to our super popular Illuminator facial Polynucleotides Are a Plus Point, Not the Whole Point
Have you noticed how quality has been declining in almost every industry? Whether it’s fashion, furniture, or cars, things just aren’t made the way they used to be. The same is happening in aesthetics. In… Continue reading Polynucleotides Are a Plus Point, Not the Whole Point
Ditch the Retinol, Embrace the Acid Peel Mask Why I Hate Retinol – And Love the Acid Peel Mask
Retinol has been touted as a holy grail of skincare, but I have a very different perspective – one based on decades of experience and science. Let me explain why I’ve never been a fan… Continue reading Why I Hate Retinol – And Love the Acid Peel Mask
New Year, New Thinking: Mitochondria, Sunlight, Hidden Truths and Hydrogen-Rich Water
Every January, many of us consider a new diet or fitness regime in an effort to safeguard our future health, but instead of reverting back to the same-old, same old, what if we tried a… Continue reading New Year, New Thinking: Mitochondria, Sunlight, Hidden Truths and Hydrogen-Rich Water
The Lines Lie: if you are under 25 Baby Botox is not going to make you look any younger or more attractive What Is Baby Botox?
Baby Botox: It’s Nothing For Babies If you are under 25 and you are erasing facial lines with little touches of Botox – commercially known as Baby Botox – it’s highly unlikely you will look… Continue reading What Is Baby Botox?
Dr Prager's Urban Protect Vitamin C Serum is a serious hair loss saviour Be Bold Not Bald: Vitamin C Hair Loss Saviour
My hair was thinning, now it isn’t. What did I do? I applied my Prager Urban Protect Vitamin C Serum to my hairline. True story. More hair, less greys, no needles. An Accidental Hair Loss… Continue reading Be Bold Not Bald: Vitamin C Hair Loss Saviour
Why choose a machine when you can have a qualified therapist who understands your skin? AGEING IS YOUR ENEMY – WE ARE YOUR WEAPON
THE ILLUMINATOR FACIAL WITH KERRI Aren’t you bored of Ultherapy? And Morpheus8? And all those machine-based treatments that cost a fortune and keep a number of lawyers in business? I know I am, and I… Continue reading AGEING IS YOUR ENEMY – WE ARE YOUR WEAPON
Black Magic: the Dr Prager Urban Protect Skincare range is the goodness your skin has been craving Skincare: Don’t Just Follow The Star
I made my skincare, and I made it the best it could be, irrespective of cost. And if you make something irrespective of cost, you can make something very good indeed.
Skin Resurfacing in Summer
It’s Not a No-No – It’s Who You Know There’s a popular myth within beauty circles that you can’t do skin resurfacing treatments in the summer. Well, this is not completely true. The fact is, you… Continue reading Skin Resurfacing in Summer
If you want to look younger, you need skin resurfacing. However, skin resurfacing is not that simple, and effective and safe skin resurfacing is even more complex.
An Academic Study by Prof Bernhard Fink and Dr Michael Prager
The Effect of Incobotulinumtoxin A and Dermal Filler Treatment on Perception of Age, Health, and Attractiveness of Female Faces Prof Bernhard Fink and Michael PragerUniversity of Gbttingen, Gbttingen, Germany Objectives: Facial age, health, and attractiveness assessments… Continue reading An Academic Study by Prof Bernhard Fink and Dr Michael Prager