Prevent, Restore, Heal

at The Prager Clinic

Beautiful skin is healthy skin, and good health starts from the inside and emanates outwards.

The simple truth is, you can make all the enhancements you like, but for lasting – and convincingly – youthful looks, you need to be healthy. You need to be well.

Mental Wellness

Do not underestimate the power of stress to age you.

Research shows that chronic stress can impact overall health and increase the biological age, adding – on average – 3.5 years to the face. Thankfully, it’s a process that can be reversed with the right help.    

The Prager Clinic provides a number of mindset psychology interventions to optimise mental health. Our mental wellness protocols include hypnotherapy, NLP, cognitive behavioural therapy, EFT and EMDR as a personal development toolbox to aid weight loss, stop smoking, optimise fertility, control IBS and manage insomnia. We also offer support for anxiety issues, phobias, PTSD, OCD, and other conditions, in order to augment the mind-body connection.

The Prager Clinic’s mental wellness programmes are run by Robert Russell, a professional mind coach with more than 33 years’ experience whose skills have been showcased in both print and broadcast media. Robert counts a number of high-profile public and sporting personalities among his clients, as well as royalty from several countries.

The Art of Skincare is Caring for You and Your Skin

Experience & Expertise

It takes the best to make you look the best, and that involves skill, commitment and knowledge. There’s a reason we’ve been at the forefront of the cosmedical industry for more than 30 years.

Natural Not Plastic

There are no microplastics at The Prager Clinic. All our treatments use Dr Michael’s skincare range made with the finest natural ingredients that deliver results rather than empty promises.

Quality and Longevity

Youthful looks are intrinsically linked to wellbeing, and Dr Michael and the team firmly believe in taking care of both. Here, at The Prager Clinic, looking good has never been so good for you because we understand that to be attractive you have to be healthy.

Beautifully Healthy

Healthily Beautiful

At The Prager Clinic, all of our procedures sit hand-in-hand with our clients’ wellbeing. We don’t offer quick-fix solutions or happiness in a needle. We give you the help you need, when you need it by providing treatments and products designed to protect and restore skin health so that your natural beauty shines through unhindered by years.

At The Prager Clinic, we want you feel as good as we can make you look because that’s the real secret to longevity.

Your Face Has Never Been In Safer, Kinder Hands.